Is Sugar In Fruit Bad For You?

Hello lovelies! when I first started my Reactive Hypoglycemia journey this was a question I had wondered. The endocrine specialist said I was prediabetic so this was the reason it could have possibly triggered Reactive Hypoglycemia in me. However since following the principles of the Diabetes Method and ensuring that all the foods were low and medium (or green and orange) on the glycemic index that were wholefoods and low in fat. I have noticed I’ve been able to improve my insulin sensitivity my last Ha1c was normal. I have been able to up my intake of carbs (carbohydrates) and I’ve had less frequent RH events so while I’m not prediabetic I still have RH however the RH events are less frequent and not as severe as they were.

I don’t seem to have a problem with the amount of fruit and vegetables I eat provided I don’t add fat or refined sugar to them and reducing the amount of processed food has also helped me ♥️

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