Low Carb vs Insulin Sensitivity

Hello my lovelies I am having an autoimmune flare presently and this has triggered the symptoms of Reactive Hypoglycemia (RH for short) as well. So it took several days before I could continue this blog post today. The flare I think was on its way a few days ago as I started waking up more than usual. My blood glucose which was fairly stable, started waking me up with autoimmune symptoms and elevated blood glucose. I find it very hard to write at the best of times due to issues of concentrating. I usually get Kev to proofread to make sure I don’t duplicate words etc as since the Sepsis et al, I have issues with focusing and concentrating on any task at hand. When I used to have a good photographic memory and mild issues with concentrating (I also have severe Irlen Syndrome – this was diagnosed when my eldest was in secondary school,as my daughter was scared of the test I went first to reassure her!) I have perception issues with what I see around me and when writing.

Ordinarily I would be wearing tinted glasses but they’re too expensive to buy and not available on the NHS (the glasses and tinted plastic overlays helps dial down the brightness in my surroundings and environment. As I’m light sensitive). This is especially worse when I have these flares and I’m sensitive to loud sounds. So I need supervision from Kevin to ensure we don’t over order, and I don’t make silly mistakes like 10 packs of 12 toilet rolls. But I can still have my limited independence. On one occasion, I had completed an online shop and 10 packs came (luckily the driver returned them!) These autoimmune heart symptoms wake me from sleep. As a rule this always seems to happen from around 4 and 5 in the morning. Depending on how severe the symptoms are I can be woken up multiple times at night. They interfere with my sleep and it’s impossible to sleep once I’ve got the racing heart symptoms. Have you ever tried to sleep while running? That’s exactly what it is like..Especially when the symptoms are severe (I have to lay in bed and focus on my breathing until it slows down or I doze off) turning my situation into a meditation session. As sometimes the severe flares trigger psychological symptoms such as unexpected anxiety and stress symptoms. Like waking with a erratic resting heart rate and that you want to burst into tears due to feelings of dread that’s not normally present). Luckily it has never triggered a severe asthma attack.

Adding sleep deprivation to the mix, when I have trouble communicating and making sense of what I’ve written, then becomes impossible to make progress. So I return to writing when the brain fog disappears. Typically, it takes ages for me to draft a post. Then properly proofread it for errors before publishing now takes days to weeks to complete. As I have to stop then return when I feel able to. I used to be able to write and publish a post in hours, depending on the topic and length of the post (obviously) writing several in a day. I’m lucky now if I get a post published within weeks.. that’s so frustrating but out of my control. But as I explained when I have these flares and events… My brain decides it’s time for recess and off it goes on its virtual holiday. It’s like when you see a thunderstorm approaching.. you know when the sky goes dark and foggy. The black clouds blocking the sun and any chance of seeing the blue skies and white cotton ball clouds are forgotten when the storm hits. Sometimes a storm arrives unexpectedly just like these symptoms.

I think my brain has an emergency meeting… picture this… the ECS microbiome and organs are in attendance with the brain being the boss (CEO). The immune system can’t attend the meeting, else everything will stop functioning correctly due to lack of staff… So the brain makes an executive decision with the microbiome and immune system. Brain says, “right lads she’s having a flare I got word from the heart and the respiratory system is saying we need more workers.. the immune system is short staffed and the organs are struggling.

Anyhoo the link below is a short video from Tom at Type One Talks YouTube channel. He talks about low carbohydrates and insulin sensitivity. Consuming a keto diet which is a diet with low carbohydrates which helps control blood glucose by lower the carb intake and increasing the fat and protein.howevrr, I also tried this at first as NICE recommendations for a low carb and high fat and protein intake so you don’t go hungry due to less carbs. But as Tom says consuming this kind of diet increases the insulin levels as the brain sends more insulin to get through the now less efficient fatty bloodstream. This RAISES INSULIN RESISTANCE it does not lower insulin resistance and doesn’t improve insulin sensitivity. Unless you lower the saturated fat and monitor your carb intake. Once you’ve improved your insulin sensitivity you can increase your carb intake successfully. This is what I’ve done and I can consume more carbs without triggering Reactive Hypoglycemia RH symptoms β€οΈπŸŒ±πŸ€


Conquer IBS: 3 Steps To Healthier Digestion

Hello lovelies I sent this to one of my siblings and thought you amazing lot might find it very useful aswell. Even if it’s just to understand what IBS symptoms are. Or if its constipation instead. Dr Will Bulsiewicz talks about constipation diarrhoea and the different types of IBS you may be living with. Such as IBS – C where constipation is the main symptom alongside typical IBS symptoms. Aswell as ways to improve your symptoms ❀️

Food Food & More Food… β€οΈ

What’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten?

Now that’s a very good but very difficult question to answer. The most delicious food I’ve even eaten.. My mum’s Apple pie or her mince pies at Christmas time. My nan’s bread pudding is another, my friend Suki’s vegetable samosas and a vegetable curry I’d eaten at a Indian restaurant at least 16 years ago ..

Strawberry ice cream made with Bananas (plant based) A homemade rhubarb crumble, (Buckwheat flour combined with mixed nuts and seeds) My granny’s stew and dumplings.. My own lentil and mushroom lasagne also gluten free and vegan. (photo below) Raspberries, infact most berries I love, Sweetcorn, my mums lemon meringue pie πŸ₯§ Carrot cake a grated plant cheese toasted sandwich with a creamy vegan coleslaw on the side… and the list could go on. Especially as I’m waiting for said lasagne to finish baking in the oven, while writing to you. Oh my goodness, even if I do say so myself the smells of the tomatoes and herbs are incredible.. While the pasta sheets are cooking the cheese is slowly melting.

But I like to have my lasagne be kissed with a light golden brown on top. Some people like their cheese to brown all over with a darker brown. You know where you end up with the cheese almost crust like where the pasta and cheese and pasta corners curl. However for me it’s too crunchy for my personal preference. Preferring the pasta to be nicely textured without it turning into rubber. Whatever you decide be sure to let me know below on the comments or on my Social media platforms ❀️

My homemade Lentil & Mushroom Lasagne gluten free and plantbased vegan.. I used tomatoes tomato puree cornflour lemon juice herbs salt and black pepper aswell as turmeric and garlic. I used portobello mushrooms but to keep fodmap low you can use oyster mushrooms πŸ’šπŸ€πŸ™πŸ½

6 Best Antioxidant-Rich Fruits to Reduce Inflammation

This is a quick but interest read Luckily, I consume 5 out of the 6 fruits regularly. As I eat alot of different fruits and vegetables.. Well I try and aim to have at least one item from each of the food groups(which includes legumes gluten free grains. This is to ensure I don’t become deficient in vitamins and minerals essential to a healthy human being like me. So far I’ve done pretty well. While I found I’d had a mild zinc deficiency. 8 found I knew nothing about zinc and what is rich in The recent blood test revealed that the zinc is now in normal range.

However, I looked into zinc deficiency and that it’s also linked to the autoimmune disease I live with.. I also looked at the way we process glucose which is differently with someone with Reactive Hypoglycemia (RH) & Hashimotos Disease nd Hypothyroidism as according to Datis Kharrazian the leading expert on Hypothyroidism and Hashimotos Disease it take longer for the body to process glucose.

I have found I’m at my healthiest when have less hypoglycemic events when I eat plenty of fresh fruit and wholefoods. So I tend to cook alot from scratch and minimise the highly processed foods. Also I ensure that the foods are low to medium on the glycemic index most importantly I ensure I keep saturated fat at a minimum and make sure each meal has a form of zinc and plant protein as this helps with blood sugar spikes. Finally I always eat my vegetables first then my protein /fat next with my heavier carbs last ❀️


Life & Other Things

Hello my lovelies I’ve started with this photo. I’ve placed the photo here first, so you can see the situation I’m living with. Whether I have Reactive Hypoglycemia events or not, I’m affected by another condition called Hypothyroidism. It is sometimes known as an underactive thyroid meaning it is not working normally…

Thyroxine tablets I take one daily. It has to be taken on an empty stomach..it’s to keep my thyroid function normally. Without this medication I wouldn’t be alive. I can drink and eat one hour after and taken with caffeine free drinks which may interact with the thyroid medication. I have a reminder set daily with a note to myself what the reminder is for, but not to delete the note. To ensure that I don’t reset the reminder until after I’ve taken the tablet. I also label each strip so I know what tablet is due. Then there’s no confusion of whether I’ve taken it that morning. I found just setting an alarm without a note confusing as I usually forget what the alarm is for and I switch it off to go bout my day. Which is fine if I wasn’t taking thyroxine to keep me alive. What also makes it difficult/dangerous is you can’t just take another tablet if you were unsure if you took thyroxine that morning. I faced this very situation a few days ago and why I labelled the tablet packet. When you first take thyroxine you have to have regular blood tests as too much thyroxine is dangerous and affects the heart and breathing and an overdose of thyroxine can be fatal. But not taking any is also dangerous as not enough thyroxine stop the thyroid from function also dangerous with the same outcome. Luckily I remembered I’d taken one and how many was in the strip so wrote the days on each section… ❀️

Both Mr V and I have been physically and mentally exhausted from the whole process of arranging the funeral his financial affairs, grieving for my dad aswell as clearing his flat out. Thank goodness I completed the ‘tell me once’ form yesterday and sent the proof it was done to my sibling. While my sister was being the next of kin and managed my dad’s financial affairs she says she’s not very apt with computers in general so we shared duties between us. So I was happy to fill in what was required to help where I could.

I was unaware she had special needs when it came to numbers so she never should’ve been handling the money. So it was a revelation and a shock when she’d announced in what felt kind of blasΓ© manner that she has number dyslexia in addition to dyslexia.. It was as if she’d told me already.. But my sister has number of issues and a self destruct button. My finding out she has this particular difficulty makes so much sense in hindsight why she was always penniless or over spending.

It doesn’t help that my sister doesn’t seem to think she has any problems and she can manage herself. Ordinarily I would say OK if you’re OK and can manage, but let me know if you want help. This has been happening for years and she has a history of wracking up debts. Then having to pay it back again to the creditors in installments. She also has a number of health conditions aswell as physical disabilities. This also includes the early stages of dementia.

I know you might be thinking if your sibling has these issues why haven’t you done something to help? When you’re faced with someone who says they’re OK and insists they’re fine and don’t need help. What do you do? you have to trust they know what to do and that they will ask for help. For people new to my blog space I have multiple chronic illnesses. This includes Neuropathy in my brain extremities aswell as cognitive impairments. I also have thyroid disease aswell as other medical conditions such as Reactive Hypoglycemia. These affect the cognitive functions, processes and developments in the brain and all the systems in the human body.

When I have an RH emergency the brain is starved of oxygen and once treated (usually with food) the brain takes a time to return to normal. This causes a number of chronic symptoms like drowsiness, fatigue, memory loss confusion, difficulties with concentration and what the experts call brain fog. These symptoms are typical of Reactive Hypoglycemia and both Hypothyroidism. So I’m at a disadvantage and that’s why I require a carer for my own needs. Even if I appear OK from the outside I’m unable to care for myself at times.

Lastly an example of a task I need reminding of why it’s dangerous to forget and how I get around this by myself without Mr V’s help..

In order to help myself stay organised and to remain independent I have to keep a strict routine and be strict with managing my time. I do this by creating a space to store important tasks to do (such as a notepad or book of sorts) and even as simple as writing on my phone what you want to remember or tasks to complete. Setting alarms and reminders for important things like remembering to take medication. Even making sure that I don’t switch off the phone and forget about taking the thyroxine for example.

But we’ve cleared the flat and it is as prepared as possible. The paperwork has been completed. We’ve got the celebrant visiting at 11.30am today to arrange the service. My sister has been weaning off her opiate medication so hasn’t been able to help with the flat… But as the poor darling caught covid from dad it wasn’t possible for her to help anyhow..

Hope this goes a way to understanding why the situation is very complex.. Why it’s hard to go out and at times why it’s hard to write a short list at times ❀️

Watch Diabetes Skin Signs & Symptoms. I Believe A Causal Link with Reactive Hypoglycemia Here’s The Tea!

Hello my lovelies wishing you all a peaceful Easter weekend.. I was watching this video to see if it contained any symptoms that is symptomatic in my case of Reactive Hypoglycemia or whether it is connected to my thyroid disease. As alot of my symptoms overlap. The only reason I know when certain symptoms occur is my RH is when I see my blood glucose results from my glucometer. When I experience no shaking heart symptoms and IBS and fatigue my blood glucose levels remain stable throughout the day.

This is a video I’d liked to have seen years ago. While I don’t have Diabetes, I still experience all the same symptoms as someone living with Diabetes Mellitus. I have Reactive Hypoglycemia, this is very similar to diabetes. It is a condition where the blood glucose levels go too high but also drop too low causing Hypoglycemic symptoms. This is triggered by certain foods and drinks. There are many other symptoms. Of these symptoms, which may also be common to people who live with Hypothyroidism. These symptoms certainly affect my feet and I experience neuropathic pain with various degrees of pain. This makes it harder to walk even with mobility aids.

I have also got dry skin and for the first time I have several warts on the balls and heels of both my feet. I occasionally get a toe fungal infection on one single toe! Odd I know, but hey this is me (A fungal infection is where your toenail start to turn white chalky and brittle when you trim your toenails). There are remedies available online or on pharmacies for your preferred treatment) But I’ve always taken care of my feet and never had any problems with my skin generally. Other than a mild case of dry heels and having allergies and allergic reactions to certain things like nickel stainless steel if we’re wearing jewellery.

Or reactions to certain chemicals so I’ve use sensitive natural products for years avoiding strongly perfumed products and buy products labelled or certified cruelty free items that don’t contain any toxic chemicals/materials. But that’s easily solved and I always maintained a selfcare routine of pedicures and moisturiser and use cuticle oil (when I remember to do it!) Even before I became ill and at my busiest times of my life I was a married working mum of 3 who frequented the gym 6 days and ran everyday after my evening meal when she wasn’t working or exercising I was with my children and gardening in my garden at home.

I like my feet and as you guessed spent a lot of time on my feet and averaged over 10000 steps daily as I wore a pedometer to my waistband and I’d check it when I got into bed for the night. (either working and at the gym. I also don’t drive so walked or ran between working) and never had any problems with my skin during this period other than the aforementioned mild dryness on my heels..

Had I seen this video years ago it would’ve prompted me to get a check up as I experience many of the problems listed on this video which may’ve even got me a sooner diagnosis preventing future problems However, I’ve always believed there’s a reason for everything good and bad that happens in life and its a case of making the best of a bad situation by thinking positive and using mindfulness techniques with stretches and yoga poses are really beneficial to me. As I also live with Willis – Ekbom disease which is also known as Restless Legs Syndrome but I also get it in my arms and torso thank goodness it is only occasionally in my arms and torso as that’s horrendous to experience

I’ll try and add some links below the videos❀️

Youtube Top 15 Diabetes Skin Conditions and an anecdotal link to Reactive Hypoglycemia Or maybe Hypothyroidism.


Foot Checks: Video Guide to Checking Your Feet

Social Media ❀️ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MyReactiveHypoglycemiaUK Twitter https://twitter.com/NellytheVegan?t=8g8I6_UUzTLwHzYXmMOYoA&s=09 Tumblr Accounts https://at.tumblr.com/nellyslilblog1/qj16n3bngj7z https://at.tumblr.com/romanijuva/437tc7uk9bsn

Is Sugar In Fruit Bad For You?

Hello lovelies! when I first started my Reactive Hypoglycemia journey this was a question I had wondered. The endocrine specialist said I was prediabetic so this was the reason it could have possibly triggered Reactive Hypoglycemia in me. However since following the principles of the Diabetes Method and ensuring that all the foods were low and medium (or green and orange) on the glycemic index that were wholefoods and low in fat. I have noticed I’ve been able to improve my insulin sensitivity my last Ha1c was normal. I have been able to up my intake of carbs (carbohydrates) and I’ve had less frequent RH events so while I’m not prediabetic I still have RH however the RH events are less frequent and not as severe as they were.

I don’t seem to have a problem with the amount of fruit and vegetables I eat provided I don’t add fat or refined sugar to them and reducing the amount of processed food has also helped me β™₯️

Update My Thyroid Journey Update Part 2

Hello my lovelies numero dos Nummer zwei. I have a few blogs that have been split into two parts. I also have a three part post. The reason I write these types of serial posts, is not to stretch out the subject or topic to garner more followers and readers of my blog posts. It’s because I have so much to say it sometimes warrants a second part or a third post in order not to bore the reader.

However, as my blog title says “Ramblings” I get carried away in the notion of giving you as much info as possible to help you. I really do ramble on at times. So I don’t want to bore you with too much information.

But that being said, in order to help the reader figure out if they’re experiencing for example an autoimmune condition or something else. You research into the exact symptoms of a particular type of disease with the corresponding symptoms like in my case shaking heart symptoms feeling faint nauseous and sometimes vomiting and excessive thirst, feeling cold, dry itchy skin, circulation problems, aching joints, hair loss, insomnia and tiredness in addition to fatigue. Sometimes feeling too hot and intolerant to the heat, feeling easy to anger, irritable and snappy with mood swings. Anxiety not typical for you all fit the profile for diseases such as Hypothyroidism. They also fit the profile of Reactive Hypoglycemia aswell. So it is just unlucky I have both.

You would logically look in places such as scientific books podcast and information published online in the scientific communities for information that matches the symptoms you may be experiencing. This is to ascertain if the symptoms you experience match a particular disease or chronic health condition. Based on this information you can then decide to visit your primary care doctor or physician and ask them to conduct some blood tests to rule out any potential issues.

Firstly, it can depend on why you have Hypothyroidism in the first place. For some people it is because they also have another underlying condition that can cause additional complications and health issues such as Hashimoto’s disease. Hashimoto’s disease can cause issues such as Hypoglycemia heart or cardiovascular condition and you may even experience (in my case it was gluten sensitivity) an intolerance to gluten. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism in 2017 and I was also experiencing unknowingly to me and Mr Vegan Reactive Hypoglycemia symptoms aswell.

Brain fog and confusion is two common symptoms experienced with both Hypothyroidism and Reactive Hypoglycemia. Unexplained anxiety is another symptom and when you experience anxiety together with brain fog and confusion it’s very difficult to think clearly. I have promised myself that 2023 will be to look into my mental health.

Are they psychological issues pertaining to the nature of symptoms being related and typical of this particular condition/s? Or is it a result of stress aggravating these symptoms. Or is it the side effects from weaning off prescribed strong opiates? Or is the PTSD and anxiety reoccurring because of my Hypothyroidism or totally unrelated? This is a subject for the next post as I navigate my way through what I hope will be an enlightening journey and I’m grateful for all of you that follow my posts here aswell as my other blogspaces and on social media platforms such as Facebook twitter Instagram Pinterest and Tumblr β™₯️

https://myreactivehypoglycemiauk.wordpress.com/ and https://at.tumblr.comΘ›w/nellyslilblog1/qj16n3bngj7z https://at.tumblr.com/romanijuva/437tc7uk9bsn

Study demonstrates significant improvement in pain from CBD

Hello lovelies I thought I’d share this link with you all. As you all know I am prescribed cannabis for pain. I have observed other benefits to my health needs and quality of life. As I live with preexisting health conditions and chronic pain in the form of neuropathic muscular and arthritic pain I find CBD beneficial aswell as THC and vaping at different temperature enables you to access other cannabinoids such as CBN (which has sedating properties) and flavinoids CBG aswell as terpenes. ❀️


https://www.seedourfuture.co.uk/2022/07/03/|the 4444~eguidance-for-medical-cannabis-users/ https://at.tumblr.com/nellyslilblog1/qj16n3bngj7z https://myreactivehypoglycemiauk.wordpress.com/

Those Vegan Guys The Ultimate Tesco Shopping Video (Watch)

Hello lovelies if you live in the. UK and are curious about a plantbased vegan lifestyle. Or visiting the UK and/or have just signed up for #veganuary. Unless youre like me, already vegan and looking for the latest newest plant based foods to try. Otherwise also finding some inspiration. Or you just want to make some positive changes in your life.. These types of content pertaining to shopping vlogs can show you what kind of products aswell as yummy food, as well as health and household products available. While you are checking out this video check out @ThoseVeganGuys and @veganqueens they have an excellent resource for anyone interested in taking the leap into plant-based vegan lifestyle β™₯️

Hello lovelies sharing this comprehensive list of available products at a Tesco UK supermarket xxx

Update My Thyroid Journey.. Autoimmune Health Part One

Hello lovelies this last month has been upside-down and inside out at least that’s how my head and body feels.. At the end I hope to post a video which explains my situation somewhat. But I can’t promise it’ll be uploaded as concentration span is the same presently as a puppy dog or a human toddler. But I’d love to thank Mr Vegan, my Kevy, my partner my soul mate best friend all rolled into a kind gorgeous funny considerate charming charismatic bundle for taking care of me and keeping me entertained. At times I just need observing and complete rest especially when I have a Reactive Hypoglycemic emergency.

Despite his own disabilities he always makes sure there’s nothing I need or that I’m warm enough. I’ve felt quite rough recently and as I have multiple symptoms, it’s been a journey trying to find a reason for my symptoms. If they’re pertaining to these preexisting health conditions or if something else entirely.

I’d been diagnosed back in 2017 with Hypothyroidism after 6 months of being drenched in perspiration, passing out, eye sight issues violent shaking heart racing aswell as palpitations. I was and I’m still continuing to lose my hair, not just on my head but my eyelashes are coming out basically lack of hair all over my body. This was including fluctuating weight losses. Then I’ve been finding it a struggle trying to stabilise my weight gains, as these groups of symptoms cause me lose weight. Oedema in my feet and legs, chronic pain in my chest including shooting pains down my left arm.

While this sounds like heart problems all scan results show other than the previous scarring from Pneumonia and severe sepsis shock my heart is functioning normally. So that was a relief as I was originally thinking it was my thyroid disease but I had as started to think that my heart was somehow damaged and failing.

I’d even entertained the thought that I’m going to lose so much weight that it would damage my heart and this would be the end of me. But the change in thyroid medicine dosage seems to have dissipated many of the symptoms I was experiencing. Being unable to keep warm but breaking out in a sweat simultaneously experiencing palpitations and intermittent breathlessness that comes when your heart is also racing.

In a future post I will write about the psychological symptoms and the confusion it creates in your own mind especially when you’re living with an autoimmune condition such as Hypothyroidism Hashimoto’s and you’re also living with PTSD and past traumatic experiences ❀️

Fibre… All About It, How To Get More & The Benefits Of Fibre~aka Roughage

Hello my lovelies, for anyone with digestive issues such as IBS Diverticulitis Crohn’s Disease, and many gastrointestinal conditions. Symptoms such as constipation bloating excess wind and passing gas. Other symptoms such as nausea vomiting and diarrhoea are typically distressing for the individual affected. Many factors need to be taken into consideration when trying to determine why you’re feeling unwell. Your lifestyle, the kind of diet and food/drink you consume the amount of stress that exists in your work and home life, will have detrimental effects. Also including any preexisting medical conditions and medical history including past and current medications. Added to this stress and chronic pain it’s a recipe for feeling awful and a trip to the primary care doctor.

According to the British Dietetic Association, the majority of men were only consuming 20 out of 30grams of fibre per day. Understandably leading to complications such as hernia or constipation and in the extreme for some people prolapsed organs, as well as prolapsed anal canals or Hemorrhoids inside or/and outside the anal canal as a consequence of straining too hard to evict any excess waste. Therefore it is important to include a variety of fibre-providing foods that can prevent constipation in addition to the benefits of their contained vitamins mineral micronutrients and other essentials for human health,

Foods that are great for constipation should include some kind of fibre are kiwis, and wholemeal foods such as pasta rice bread, and flour. Many fruits and vegetables contain fibre and complex carbohydrates which takes longer to break down in the body… Especially good are leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables such broccoli cabbages spring greens. They are nature’s broom to our intestines and great for the microbiome.. As the billions of good bacteria working in harmony to rid our bodies of excess waste and toxins created from the food we eat thrive on fibrous foods

A book I recommend further reading is called Fibre Fuelled by Dr Will Bulsiewicz known as the gut doctor and also a regular contributor on YouTube channel Physicians Committee Exam Room Podcasts. He’s also a practicing Gastroenterologist based in the USA. The book is an excellent resource and has the solution to obtaining better health benefits from a plantbased vegan lifestyle.

This book covers leaky gut food sensitivities and other subjects I’ve posted about here and on my other page My Reactive Hypoglycemia UK.wordpress.com/

Enjoy the links below for more informationβ™₯️ https://at.tumblr.com/nellyslilblog1/qj16n3bngj7z https://myreactivehypoglycemiauk.wordpress.com/2022/04/02/watch-insulin-sensitivity-foods-that-reverse-insulin-resistance-and-reverse-type-2-diabetes-on-youtube/ https://myreactivehypoglycemiauk.wordpress.com/2022/02/07/constipation-ibs-symptoms-part-1/ https://nellythevegan.wordpress.com/2021/11/06/cannabis-the-evidence-for-medical-use-%e2%9d%a4%ef%b8%8f/ https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs/

