Happy Birthday Alice! Watch “Alice Cooper – Poison” on YouTube

Happy 74th Birthday to Alice Cooper otherwise known as Vincent Damon Furnier. Born as Vincent (his uncles namesake) on February 4th 1948. Known for songs such as Welcome To My Nightmare (I’m) Eighteen Elected and Poison released July 17th 1989 when I was heavily pregnant with my first child.. πŸ₯°

Again I was quite young when his band was founded but I remember the song Schools Out. I also remember vaguely his theatre make up with his black eyes. I also had a certain poster of Alice on the wall.

I can’t remember what he was wearing or the colours. I remember I used to kiss all the posters goodnight.. As you can imagine as I was that young the centre of the poster where his face should’ve been was torn and soggy! But in the summer of 1972 when Schools Out was released in the UK I was only three! ❀️

Watch “Sweet – Blockbuster – Top Of The Pops 25.01.1973 (OFFICIAL)” on YouTube

Hi there lovelies I don’t have a television set up to watch terrestrial or Freeview HD TV. Anything I want to view my go-to place is always YouTube. I remember this song it was one of my earliest introduction to Rock and Glam Rock music.

Sweet was one of my favourite bands but when I heard that siren with the guitar and drums at the age of 4 I loved the sounds, it grabbed my attention. Other music I liked was Queen with bohemian rhapsody and David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust..β™₯️

I have an eclectic taste in music and I live and breathe music for as far back as I can remember. I usually have a radio on as I’m a prolific reader. But I like a music video or watching comediennes and comedians.. andΒ  comedy sketches..