Life & Other Things

Hello my lovelies I’ve started with this photo. I’ve placed the photo here first, so you can see the situation I’m living with. Whether I have Reactive Hypoglycemia events or not, I’m affected by another condition called Hypothyroidism. It is sometimes known as an underactive thyroid meaning it is not working normally…

Thyroxine tablets I take one daily. It has to be taken on an empty’s to keep my thyroid function normally. Without this medication I wouldn’t be alive. I can drink and eat one hour after and taken with caffeine free drinks which may interact with the thyroid medication. I have a reminder set daily with a note to myself what the reminder is for, but not to delete the note. To ensure that I don’t reset the reminder until after I’ve taken the tablet. I also label each strip so I know what tablet is due. Then there’s no confusion of whether I’ve taken it that morning. I found just setting an alarm without a note confusing as I usually forget what the alarm is for and I switch it off to go bout my day. Which is fine if I wasn’t taking thyroxine to keep me alive. What also makes it difficult/dangerous is you can’t just take another tablet if you were unsure if you took thyroxine that morning. I faced this very situation a few days ago and why I labelled the tablet packet. When you first take thyroxine you have to have regular blood tests as too much thyroxine is dangerous and affects the heart and breathing and an overdose of thyroxine can be fatal. But not taking any is also dangerous as not enough thyroxine stop the thyroid from function also dangerous with the same outcome. Luckily I remembered I’d taken one and how many was in the strip so wrote the days on each section… ❀️

Both Mr V and I have been physically and mentally exhausted from the whole process of arranging the funeral his financial affairs, grieving for my dad aswell as clearing his flat out. Thank goodness I completed the ‘tell me once’ form yesterday and sent the proof it was done to my sibling. While my sister was being the next of kin and managed my dad’s financial affairs she says she’s not very apt with computers in general so we shared duties between us. So I was happy to fill in what was required to help where I could.

I was unaware she had special needs when it came to numbers so she never should’ve been handling the money. So it was a revelation and a shock when she’d announced in what felt kind of blasΓ© manner that she has number dyslexia in addition to dyslexia.. It was as if she’d told me already.. But my sister has number of issues and a self destruct button. My finding out she has this particular difficulty makes so much sense in hindsight why she was always penniless or over spending.

It doesn’t help that my sister doesn’t seem to think she has any problems and she can manage herself. Ordinarily I would say OK if you’re OK and can manage, but let me know if you want help. This has been happening for years and she has a history of wracking up debts. Then having to pay it back again to the creditors in installments. She also has a number of health conditions aswell as physical disabilities. This also includes the early stages of dementia.

I know you might be thinking if your sibling has these issues why haven’t you done something to help? When you’re faced with someone who says they’re OK and insists they’re fine and don’t need help. What do you do? you have to trust they know what to do and that they will ask for help. For people new to my blog space I have multiple chronic illnesses. This includes Neuropathy in my brain extremities aswell as cognitive impairments. I also have thyroid disease aswell as other medical conditions such as Reactive Hypoglycemia. These affect the cognitive functions, processes and developments in the brain and all the systems in the human body.

When I have an RH emergency the brain is starved of oxygen and once treated (usually with food) the brain takes a time to return to normal. This causes a number of chronic symptoms like drowsiness, fatigue, memory loss confusion, difficulties with concentration and what the experts call brain fog. These symptoms are typical of Reactive Hypoglycemia and both Hypothyroidism. So I’m at a disadvantage and that’s why I require a carer for my own needs. Even if I appear OK from the outside I’m unable to care for myself at times.

Lastly an example of a task I need reminding of why it’s dangerous to forget and how I get around this by myself without Mr V’s help..

In order to help myself stay organised and to remain independent I have to keep a strict routine and be strict with managing my time. I do this by creating a space to store important tasks to do (such as a notepad or book of sorts) and even as simple as writing on my phone what you want to remember or tasks to complete. Setting alarms and reminders for important things like remembering to take medication. Even making sure that I don’t switch off the phone and forget about taking the thyroxine for example.

But we’ve cleared the flat and it is as prepared as possible. The paperwork has been completed. We’ve got the celebrant visiting at 11.30am today to arrange the service. My sister has been weaning off her opiate medication so hasn’t been able to help with the flat… But as the poor darling caught covid from dad it wasn’t possible for her to help anyhow..

Hope this goes a way to understanding why the situation is very complex.. Why it’s hard to go out and at times why it’s hard to write a short list at times ❀️

How to stop house flies invading your home using common herb – β€˜easiest method!’ |

Hello my lovelies reading through the news pages on various topics of interest and I end up down a rabbit hole. But I love diving down a rabbit hole, there you can find some interesting things. Tonight’s dive down while medicating with cannabis, I arrived at this particle article. I can vouch for the lavender hack as we grow lavender in pots and in a border of our garden. I love the smell of it and like to hang it up dried in the porch. Also I put it in a muslin bag and hang one in the hall by the door and on some of the clothes hangers. But the reason I do this is purely for the fragrance. I knew it was a repellent to certain pests and hadn’t considered it repelling flies from the home.

I don’t have lavender in bags hanging or anywhere in the kitchen. I love the smell of beautiful fragrances and like the home to smell nice. I need to give the lavender plants a hair cut so watch this space as the little tiny flies have seemed to have gone since I’ve started putting out any waste as soon as it is collected. It is taken out usually after each meal rather than daily.

You see as a rule we rarely have any flies enter our home. I know one of our neighbours were complaining about getting flies in the home. As being of Romani descent and was raised in the Romani customs and culture. Keeping your home clean is of utmost importance above everything else. It’s taught to you from a young age almost like a religious experience. Making sure making sure that only certain cups etc are kept for the sole use of family. Anyone visiting will receive a separate cup/mug. We also wash our tea towels cloths separately kept away from the flannels and towels. Flies have always been a nemesis and until the recent heatwave we never really had a problem with flies around our wheelie bin and recycle bins located together.

Upon reading this article I thought I’d find a solution to the tiny little flies that are attracted to fruit. As I said despite taking any bagged waste to the food bin outside. I occasionally find them sitting on the wall or trying to divebomb the banana and you. I don’t like to kill even flies so when they do enter my home I open a door or direct it to an open window with my teatowel.

Lastly I will be trying the citrus tip and see how that works have a wonderful weekend wherever you are in the world much love as always….❀️

Watch “Amazing Way to Use NETTLES to Improve Seedling Success” on YouTube

Hello lovelies this was an interesting video about using plants to feed your other plants be it food or ornamental plants flowers and foliage. They seem to have therapeutic benefits and help the produce you’re growing according to the guest Nigel Palmer and author of a book he wrote about regenerative and restorative gardening.

It seems relatively easy to make and something that Mr Vegan and I are going to try once we find our metal funnel and gather some plant material. Sadly we composted the last of our nettles during the last clean of the garden recently.

But as our ground and soil is fairly fertile it won’t take long for them to return as they’re prolific to the local gardens.. Enjoy.. πŸ₯° let me know if you happen to try it ❀️

Greenhouse Capers.. Welcome To Our Greenhouse…

Hello lovelies I thought I’d share this with you lovely people I had missed a few of the foods seen here in the video. It didn’t help I’d been having RH symptoms which affects my heart rhythm and my breathing is also affected by this making things difficult to breathe including other symptoms affecting the autoimmune system.

Anyhoo It’s been a lovely mild and dry day today and I’ve been well enough to spend a short period of time in the garden and the greenhouse. As Mr Vegan has been busy working hard preparing and sewing the first seeds of this season’s foods. I mentioned foods such as Carrots Sweetcorn Parsnips Butternut Squash Pumpkin are also included in the pots under the covers of germination lids. We are again growing 2 types of spinach and lettuces. Tomatoes and other salad vegetables such as spring onions.

We’re also including fresh herbs grown from seed inside the greenhouse and I like to plant herbs such as Rosemary and garlic with Thyme in with the ornamental plants aswell as the greenhouse. This year we’re growing some new aswell as our staple herbs we use in our foods inside the greenhouse..

We’re growing Sage Parsley Basil Thyme is from new seeds and regrowth from last year’s Thyme plant in the greenhouse. Majoram Chives are sown .. I hope to add in the future some sweet potatoes and red onions and potatoes aswell as garlic to use to infuse olive oil. Garlic infused olive oil is also low fodmap providing you can eat garlic without any symptoms by consuming garlic directly garlic infused oil is an alternative.. Enjoy ❀️

Hello lovelies Mr Vegan hasn’t sewn any bell peppers as yet but hope to add some seeds soon. As its a food I’d like to reintroduce. As I have Reactive Hypoglycemia I’d like to ascertain if I’m sensitive to peppers. Or if it is the overload of healthy carbohydrates that initially triggers a reaction…
These are the different types of food that we are growing this season weather and time permits.. For people with visual impairments we have sewn (starting from the top row of three seed packets) Chives, Dill, Carrots, Beetroots, Sweetcorn, two types of Lettuces, Parsnips spring onions, Tomatoes and Pumpkin. The Butternut Squash seeds aren’t pictured here..
A variety of different herbs we use in our cooking and food options. Fortunately herbs are categorised as low fodmap. Shown here again are from the top row Chives Coriander or known as Cilantro Lemon Balm, Sage and Dill aswell as Basil, Parsley and Oregano

About Protein How To Get Enough On A Vegan Diet – How Much Is Enough?

Hello my lovelies one of the most common question asked when people discover you’re consuming a vegan diet is. Where do you get your protein from?

Protein is in plenty of foods such as soya milk and cheese made from plants, beans and many more. Infact protein is very easy to get into the diet. But how much protein do we need each day? It varies depending on how much you weigh.

A typical example of foods containing protein. How it can be possible to maintain a balanced healthy diet by consuming only plants. How vegan athletes such as Lewis Hamilton Serena Williams & Germany’s strongest man Patrik Baboumian gets their protein from

I’ve seen varying amounts say from 0.7 grams to 1 gram per KG of bodyweight for women’s daily requirements. Women’s protein requirements would usually be less than a man’s requirements. As men have more muscle mass than women.

What happens if we consume too much protein? What is the difference between plant protein and animal protein in the human body?

The outcomes of consuming too much protein differs depending on which type of nutrition protein you consume.

According to Dr Mills you cannot store protein. As I said a different reaction occurs depending on what type of protein you consume.

Excess animal protein is stripped into sulfur and other substances which turn into acid. This animal protein is broken down into carbohydrates. Excreted calcium is then lost through the urine. This can raise the risk of developing Osteoporosis in the future.

However, as plant protein doesn’t affect calcium, it therefore causes no significant losses. Plant based protein doesn’t cause weakness in the bones. Overall, protein deficiencies may not occur, provided you are consuming enough foods containing protein for your needs❀️

Techniques & Concepts To Help Symptoms Of Reactive Hypoglycemia 1

I’ve been trying to stabilise my glucose levels using several techniques that are proven to be effective in determine which trigger foods causes a reaction.

This includes the elimination protocol. This is either taking out one food or drink at a time. Then see if my symptoms improves. I usually only drink water so I can be assured nothing else will cause a problem in regarding beverages.

I occasionally drink fresh (from the whole fruit) juice if my blood sugar is low to bring it up fast, but have postponed this for now.

Other factors I’m considering are testing my glucose levels more frequently when I experience symptoms. I’ll explain why this is especially important soon.. The reintroduction of foods that are low to medium on the glycemic index. Again introducing one food at a time.

Then waiting for a period of time to see if anything causes any adverse symptoms. I also consider that I follow the 15 minute rule when my blood sugar is low and that it usually improves symptoms when successfully treated.

Finally, I’ve found from experience and the doctor saying when the symptoms are noticeable to test the blood more often. It’s been useful to test more because you firstly know that Reactive Hypoglycemia generally happens after eating.

For everyone it’s different but since I’ve begun eliminating trigger foods I’ve noticed a difference with my blood glucose levels stabilising and the RH attacks are becoming less frequent and less violent intensity.. I also seem to be having less dangerous spikes..

So we will see how this continues I’ve found I can eat Kale which is great. As its a great alternative for spring greens or cabbage. I used to love spring greens and cabbage but they’re trigger foods ❀️

Shopping When On A Plantbased Or Vegan Diet – My Journal.

Hello my lovelies for those who are new to Ramblings I also extend a welcome and hope you enjoy your visit! I have multiple health and mobility needs so it’s very rare I go out unless I go out early for the usual supplies we run out of.

What I’m continuingly surprised at is how cheap it is to buy food when you’re vegan or live a plantbased or/and health/budget conscious life. While it is easy to buy the pre prepared foods that comes in wrappings and packages. I prefer to shop using my own bags and make conscious choice of selecting the items where materials are recycled.

I tend to go shopping early as possible to store opening. This way I avoid any crowds and can get my items quickly and efficiently with out forgetting anything. Any items such as vegetables and fruits, I try to ensure I choose the minimal amount of recycled materials. Provided there isn’t any good quality undamaged items available.

I work my way around in my mobility scooter avoiding the obvious butcher department and other aisles where animal products are kept. Another bonus for shopping when you aren’t keen on shopping like me. But as we have a very limited budget we prioritise this first, purchasing the best quality shopping we can afford.

However when I reach the check out tills and I begin to load the shopping onto the conveyor belt. I have a split second doubt that I won’t have enough money but I get a pleasant surprise when it’s usually less than expected!… β™₯️

Watch “Diverticulitis Signs & Symptoms (And Why They Occur)” on YouTube

My partner and soulmate Mr Vegan has diverticular disease and he gets bouts of diverticulitis then goes into remission. He leads a vegan diet and lifestyle changes helped with improving the IBS symptoms he experiences on a daily basis. Much of his morning is taken up with trips to the toilet and being doubled over in pain.

Then having to reluctantly return to bed, and wait for his symptoms to subside. He’s usually dolaid curled up in bed, due to the nausea sickness with visible shaking. This is due to the severe pain which comes and goes intermittently.

This video discusses the signs and symptoms of diverticulitis and why they occur. β™₯️

Pain and Magnesium

I watched an interesting educational video about pain whether acute or chronic pain. Dr Andrea Furlan discussed Magnesium in relation to pain. She also explained in understandable terms what is pain and how a diet rich in Magnesium mix beneficial for pain.

There’s a link below where you’ll find a list of foods that contain Magnesium (Mg) and a link to the YouTube video of the *same name.

Dr Furlans video

Cannabis as a Medicine

I’ve found that cannabis as a medicine remarkable. One little plant… it’s leaves when you can get them donated via a friend or compassion club are used in food. Cannabis stems leaves and flowers can be so versatile. They not only benefit the human body, it has so many uses from medicine to clothing textiles to building materials. We’ve found its good for putting CBM’s leaf material into smoothies. Sadly it’s not very often we get donations of leaf material.

As they help with pain aswell as additional fibre, and receiving additional omega’s and other nutritional benefits, vital for homeostasis. It’s also beneficial for Mr Vegan’s and anyone’s health conditions such as diverticulosis and diverticulitis psoriasis Arthritis chronic illness as well as widespread chronic pain.

I am a legal cannabis patient, it is prescribed to me privately via a private pain specialist… I have raw cannabis flowers which relieves pain aswell as having other benefits to my breathing for instance.

I also believe if you can prove you have a clinical need for CBM’s and you can do so you should be eligible for growing your own strain of CBM’s at home. There’s opportunities such as Cancard founded by my friend Carly. However, while Cancard is backed by the police federation and Police Chiefs council.

It is up to the individual officer at the moment whether he or she will pursue charges for cannabis possession and or cultivation. This doesn’t mean that the next time you are approached by the police they may arrest and charge you for cannabis possession and or cultivation.

While I am now legally protected from prosecution and eviction from our home for consuming cannabis medicine via a private legal prescription. I have no intention of stopping advocating for cannabis based medicines. Especially for the people unable to access CBM’s. People assume that you smoke it but there’s many ways to consuming cannabis based medicines.

But it shows you that more and more medical professionals are receptive to Cannabis Based Medicines. I’ve been very lucky each medical professional I’ve approached including the endocrine specialist, have been open minded receptive and a positive response.

My neurologist even knew about the ECS.. As he went on to tell us both about the research he’s been involved with on cannabinoids and knew of sativex via his work at King’s College Hospital London. You can be prescribed cannabis flowers oil and available in other places you may find tinctures and edible products or leaves and flowers used in culinary dishes.

He was very receptive during our consultation and wrote down the details of my repeat prescription as I described exactly what kind of cannabis flowers I was vaping via a vapouriser. This was reflected positively in the consultation about cannabis being highly beneficial for me..

He said he felt cannabis was the future and thanked us for the education on CBM’s and encouraged me and Mr Vegan to continue advocating for cannabis to be accessed from the NHS instead of the black market… I’m inclined to agree cannabis is the future and can help our society and civilization environmentally…β™₯️

Reactive Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia from the Mayo Clinic.

Hi there my lovelies just thought I’d share this interesting article with you. It’s talks about Reactive Hypoglycemia (RH) and how it describes how the blood glucose levels can spike higher causing Hyperglycemic symptoms.

It also tell you how to avoid eating the foods that trigger these spikes. Plus my Facebook page link below if you want to see other information.. ❀️ enjoy ❀️