Watch The Happy Pear on YouTube …

Hello lovelies I thought I’d share this with you lovely people. I have always had a soft spot for a Irish accent especially the southern part of Ireland 🇮🇪 I have Southern Irish ancestry on my paternal side of the family. But I like the northern part aswell, well the whole of Ireland this aside it’s a pleasure to be entertained by this twins who are vegan and chef’s and talented in their field..

They’ll give you good information about plantbased health and they’re including fodmaps in bitesized nuggets of information.. Food pun intended 😉😉

You can use garlic infused oil as it is low fodmap according to Monash’s App and Website.. But this recipe might not be suitable if you are sensitive to nightshade foods as it has tomatoes in.

I’ve also noted the green parts of green spring onions are low in fodmap than the stronger white parts of the onions and the same with the leeks and foods from the allium family ❤️

Greenhouse Capers.. Welcome To Our Greenhouse…

Hello lovelies I thought I’d share this with you lovely people I had missed a few of the foods seen here in the video. It didn’t help I’d been having RH symptoms which affects my heart rhythm and my breathing is also affected by this making things difficult to breathe including other symptoms affecting the autoimmune system.

Anyhoo It’s been a lovely mild and dry day today and I’ve been well enough to spend a short period of time in the garden and the greenhouse. As Mr Vegan has been busy working hard preparing and sewing the first seeds of this season’s foods. I mentioned foods such as Carrots Sweetcorn Parsnips Butternut Squash Pumpkin are also included in the pots under the covers of germination lids. We are again growing 2 types of spinach and lettuces. Tomatoes and other salad vegetables such as spring onions.

We’re also including fresh herbs grown from seed inside the greenhouse and I like to plant herbs such as Rosemary and garlic with Thyme in with the ornamental plants aswell as the greenhouse. This year we’re growing some new aswell as our staple herbs we use in our foods inside the greenhouse..

We’re growing Sage Parsley Basil Thyme is from new seeds and regrowth from last year’s Thyme plant in the greenhouse. Majoram Chives are sown .. I hope to add in the future some sweet potatoes and red onions and potatoes aswell as garlic to use to infuse olive oil. Garlic infused olive oil is also low fodmap providing you can eat garlic without any symptoms by consuming garlic directly garlic infused oil is an alternative.. Enjoy ❤️

Hello lovelies Mr Vegan hasn’t sewn any bell peppers as yet but hope to add some seeds soon. As its a food I’d like to reintroduce. As I have Reactive Hypoglycemia I’d like to ascertain if I’m sensitive to peppers. Or if it is the overload of healthy carbohydrates that initially triggers a reaction…
These are the different types of food that we are growing this season weather and time permits.. For people with visual impairments we have sewn (starting from the top row of three seed packets) Chives, Dill, Carrots, Beetroots, Sweetcorn, two types of Lettuces, Parsnips spring onions, Tomatoes and Pumpkin. The Butternut Squash seeds aren’t pictured here..
A variety of different herbs we use in our cooking and food options. Fortunately herbs are categorised as low fodmap. Shown here again are from the top row Chives Coriander or known as Cilantro Lemon Balm, Sage and Dill aswell as Basil, Parsley and Oregano

Watch “5 Frightful Facts About Cheese” on YouTube

Hello lovelies this makes for interesting viewing and not just giving information about cheese and how it affects human health. Dr Neal Barnard explains how cheese is made. It was made around Halloween last year so while picking up on the themed video title. I still consider the information in this video still relevant I hope you find this useful ❤️

ProVeg Veggie Challenge | More plants, less meat | Start now!

Hello lovelies for anyone interested in or thrives on a challenge you may want to check out this link.. I know since transitioning to a vegan lifestyle I was an uneducated and naive vegetarian who thought she was helping the animals by not eating them. I’ve also since the 1980s boycotted all companies who tested on animals. I wasn’t even aware that cosmetics like lipsticks had been made from dead animals at that time

However, I’d started educating myself over the years and ditched consuming dairy products made from animals. That’s where I got the biggest surprise. I naively thought at the time being vegetarian was great but I did wonder how I would be able to be fit and healthy on a plantbased diet? Would it be just salads and potato and vegetables whether I’d be able to improve my vitamin D intake as its been low for years. Until I went vegan.

I got a few surprises from being vegan and it wasn’t just the self rewarding experience of never paying another human to kill harm and murder animals for my drinking and eating pleasure.

I recommend you view on YouTube a video from Erin Janus called Dairy is Scary she tells you what really goes into that glass of milk you may want to drink or pour on cereals. Or another must not miss an enlightening video 5 Frightful Facts About Cheese. (link ) While Erin discusses the industry and mentions the US. She also mentions Europe which the UK was part of the European Union at the time the video was made.

Regardless of where you reside the general information about making dairy products are typically the same. There may be different policies in other countries for instance the European countries allow so many somatic cells per gallon. Where the US allows a higher proportion of somatic cells.

I used to love a nice tall cold glass of milk but it’s not so appealing once I found out what cows somatic cells were doing in milk it put me right off I can tell you! If I didn’t care about my readers I wouldn’t mention it. My readers will be smart enough to have informed consent of what you’re putting in your bodies.

Lastly the most surprising thing of all? You know I said that I wondered years ago if I were to go vegan would I have enough to eat would it be healthy and balanced? Well it was a needless worry. Wow not only could I eat all the food I’d mentioned above.

I could eat a balanced diet my favourite foods including favourite comfort foods and Romani dishes all veganised and tastes amazing. Then there’s fruits vegetables beans grains nuts seeds and cake I’ve never tried before. (I get chocolate for Mr Vegan) They all taste delicious more delicious than the animal version I used to enjoy as a vegetarian.

I only consumed dairy and eggs believing that the egg was empty and no harm was done to the chicken and milk was spare, left over milk the cows didn’t need. But I love trying new vegan recipes and Mr Vegan and I never miss out on any of our favourites ❤️

Watch “Best Foods for Migraines | Dr. Neal Barnard” on YouTube

Hello my lovelies Migraines are horrid for the people living with Migraines. I have been fortunate to have found the main trigger for why I had have migraines. This journey is individual as to what can trigger migraines.

For me it was caffeine it has an accumulated effect on me and triggered not only migraines. It also interfered with my concentration levels aswell as unwanted energy spikes making me feel hyperactive. So much so caffeine it started having adverse effects to my university coursework and inability to focus in class and lectures.

I found the moment I stopped drinking coffee and tea the migraines improved. But what can affect me may not affect someone else.. There are several well known foods and food groups known to cause problems with migraines.

Food/drinks known to cause migraines are foods and drinks containing caffeine such as chocolate coffee tea and caffeinated energy soda type drinks. Dairy products such as cheese yogurt milk cream made from cows and goats milk.

My daughter used to get what the specialist called tummy migraines as she’d been diagnosed with IBS and dairy was the cause of her suffering. Which she got better the moment I replaced animal products with a dairy free alternative.