
Hello lovelies this is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to write thus far, since the passing of my mum to Sepsis on January 4th 2018. I am writing this rather than phoning people as I have intermittent voice issues and I lose my voice at times to a croaky whisper. It’s hard for Kev to hear me at times. So the likelihood that I am heard on the phone will be erratic at best. Plus I am not sure I’d be able to tell you without breaking down. My dad is very ill and has been given weeks to live. He is currently in hospital being treated for a infection which is now complicated by a COVID diagnosis while at the hospital. So no one can visit him he’s doing as well as he can do presently.

However the cruel twist in this situation it has triggered dementia which seems to have advanced rapidly since his first admission at the end of March recently (when he and my sister was told together). So my dad has forgotten his diagnosis and believes he is there because he’s unwell and they’re helping him. His blood pressure keeps dropping whenever he stands and stabilises when he’s resting. This is why dad was admitted at first, but a scan revealed more than his blood pressure. If family has any questions then please don’t hesitate to direct message me via messenger or those who have questions and have my phone number by all means text me. I’ll do my best to answer if I can.

We are hoping and praying that dad doesn’t succumb to the covid. The hospital are making him as comfortable as possible and he is sleeping quite abit.. This is why I’ve not been active on social media writing and advocating and raising awareness for topics such as cannabis sepsis etc..

Words can’t express how heart broken I am always been a daddies girl. Although I love my mum without limits, it was always my dad who couldn’t shake me loose. He’d have to sneak out the door at times to avoid the where are you going my dad can I come? plus the inevitable fall out of tears and tantrums when I realised he went out without me. (we kids don’t understand we can’t go everywhere with our parents do we.. )

Because I’m immune compromised with my own issues. I haven’t been able to go see him which has been a mind feck to say the least. (Then trying not to let my preexisting conditions take over as stress triggers RH flares and RLS) But my lovely sister was able to play him voice messages and written messages from me and Kev when could visit. Which made him smile. I will update you when I hear more news.

Sending get well wishes to my sister Tia and nephew Billy aswell.. whose caught covid from my dad despite my sister being careful. (she got it after she was told dad had it). Thank god she is able to function (just about with the usually cold and flu preparations) and now my nephew. Huge thanks to my Kev for keeping me sane and being the rock and a source of support and the same to my girls and my sister’s through this difficult time.. ❀️

Cannabis Education – Study Shows Since Legalisation Recreational Cannabis Doesn’t Increase Substance Abuse

Recently at CU Boulder Colarado in the USA, research was undertaken into the harms and effects cannabis has had since it was legalised for recreational use. The cohort were twins and were studied over a period of time from when they were adolescents. The results revealed that cannabis doesn’t cause any rise in substance abuse. In fact they found that legalising recreational cannabis at the state level, does not increase substance use disorders or use of other illicit drugs among adults and, in fact, may reduce alcohol-related problems. An interesting read…

Some worthwhile reading not to be missed… as this research shows that legalising and regulating cannabis in a similar same way as alcohol is managed it can only make society a safer place taking cannabis from the illicit market and taxing it in the same way could improve the NHS schools and all the countries infrastructure and peoples way of life. As for cannabis itself it could potential help with chronic pain relief aswell as adults and children with chronic medical conditions… and the endless uses hemp can be used for from ropes to building houses and clothing❀️

Update My Thyroid Journey.. Autoimmune Health Part One

Hello lovelies this last month has been upside-down and inside out at least that’s how my head and body feels.. At the end I hope to post a video which explains my situation somewhat. But I can’t promise it’ll be uploaded as concentration span is the same presently as a puppy dog or a human toddler. But I’d love to thank Mr Vegan, my Kevy, my partner my soul mate best friend all rolled into a kind gorgeous funny considerate charming charismatic bundle for taking care of me and keeping me entertained. At times I just need observing and complete rest especially when I have a Reactive Hypoglycemic emergency.

Despite his own disabilities he always makes sure there’s nothing I need or that I’m warm enough. I’ve felt quite rough recently and as I have multiple symptoms, it’s been a journey trying to find a reason for my symptoms. If they’re pertaining to these preexisting health conditions or if something else entirely.

I’d been diagnosed back in 2017 with Hypothyroidism after 6 months of being drenched in perspiration, passing out, eye sight issues violent shaking heart racing aswell as palpitations. I was and I’m still continuing to lose my hair, not just on my head but my eyelashes are coming out basically lack of hair all over my body. This was including fluctuating weight losses. Then I’ve been finding it a struggle trying to stabilise my weight gains, as these groups of symptoms cause me lose weight. Oedema in my feet and legs, chronic pain in my chest including shooting pains down my left arm.

While this sounds like heart problems all scan results show other than the previous scarring from Pneumonia and severe sepsis shock my heart is functioning normally. So that was a relief as I was originally thinking it was my thyroid disease but I had as started to think that my heart was somehow damaged and failing.

I’d even entertained the thought that I’m going to lose so much weight that it would damage my heart and this would be the end of me. But the change in thyroid medicine dosage seems to have dissipated many of the symptoms I was experiencing. Being unable to keep warm but breaking out in a sweat simultaneously experiencing palpitations and intermittent breathlessness that comes when your heart is also racing.

In a future post I will write about the psychological symptoms and the confusion it creates in your own mind especially when you’re living with an autoimmune condition such as Hypothyroidism Hashimoto’s and you’re also living with PTSD and past traumatic experiences ❀️

Please Watch.. All These Lives Matter

No matter where or what war is happening all lives matter.. There’s no right path when you’re trying to escape bombs.

The UK Conservative Governmental party does not speak for me. Compassion for every life.. Praying for all of this human suffering to end.. With love ❀️

Vegan Peanut Butter Bars – Loving It Vegan

Hello lovelies I found a great little website vegan food (of course!) and some very mouthwateringly tempting recipe to try.

So I thought I’d share these with you lovely lot first! Enjoy!

Please note if you have any preexisting health problems such as gastrointestinal issues. Or other health conditions such as IBS and diverticular disease and you’re following a low fodmap diet, you may want to adjust or omit any high fodmap foods. Do not assume that the recipes you see here are low fodmap and nightshade free.

This also includes anyone with food allergies sensitivities and intolerances. Please check the ingredients before trying out these recipes.. ❀️

Watch “Our Favorite Football Snacks for the *Super Bowel*” on YouTube

I love watching this mother and daughter team.. All that plant based knowledge between them. They are as a family famous in the vegan community. Jane’s father and brother are also vegan and are also known in the vegan and medical industries.

Their tater tots made my mouth water (although I love spices they don’t seem to like me – one of my triggers). But I can substitute Hing and add some Turmeric as I can tolerate those ok with those β™₯οΈπŸ˜‰

Cannabis & Mental Health

Cannabis and mental health is a emotive issue for several reasons to be discussed here.

Thanks to the damage caused by Harry J Anslingers war on cannabis then as history shows as a direct result of Anslinger’s propaganda machine. Of “Reefer Madness” posters, newsmedia of The War On Drugs. The seed of doubt was sown about cannabis and psychosis and that it causes Schizophrenia in anyone that used it.

Then it went from being a medicine for more than a millennium. To being seen as something as harmful to mental and physical health. To anyone who has read about Harry J Anslinger the racist cannotations pertaining to his dislike of people of ethnicity and in particular people of Carribean American African American and Mexican people. This is where the racist slang Marijuana (Mary Jane) came from.

After this it was classed as a dangerous drug then banned in the UK from 1971 with the Misuse Of Drugs Act.. Although there is some evidence that it can effect a very small minority of the population.

There is various scientific evidence that shows cannabis to be efficacious in anxiety PTSD and other mental health issues. There is also a post I wrote a few months ago which I’ll attach here.

There is various scientific information available in the above link regarding Dr Mike Barnes et al that cannabis and the published report pertaining to studies and how cannabis helps people living with many different conditions.

It is used as an alternative medicine for people with cancer. It also helps conditions such as chronic pain including Neuropathy/Neuropathic pain Multiple Sclerosis Epilepsy ADD ADHD and other psychological and neurological conditions ❀️

Please note I will add link to science based evidence as I find them… πŸ₯° πŸ€

Romani Gypsy History 1

Hello my lovelies I’ve always believed good or bad comments, people have the right to say what they like. Whether we like what we hear or take offence to what we hear. It is a choice for most however in some cases you may not get to choose to hear or see such comments until you accidentally come in the room when it is playing.

Especially in situations such as the computer/TV/Radio is playing in the room and you happen to look at the screen distracted by a sound. Or even if you are watching a program with a known comedian or actor and a new joke you didn’t expect to hear offends you.

I am aware while flicking through social media that a joke was made about the Holocaust genecide and the Roma or Romani Sinti and other ethnicities that were caught up in one of many concentration camps..

Do you know the cruelest irony of all Hitler was intent on genecide for my ethnicity my race millions were murdered alongside the Jewish people. The Romani /Roma/Romanichal (they mean the same) are part of the ft Indo Aryan race. What was Hitler ideology was to have people of Pure Aryan race.

Yes it is a choice.. But that choice is more complex when many people say things in ignorance without knowing much of anything about the subject they are referring to.

So for people unaware of the connection between the Romani and the Nazi concentration death camps. Here is a link below and can we all be mindful of other human beings especially when it comes to emotive subject such as this. ✌️

Mung Bean Sprouts Fact, Health Benefits & Nutritional Value – Perfect Activity For Children With No Garden…

Hello lovelies looking through my camera roll I forgot about these.. These beanshoots were sprouted from our cupboard we used a bpa free tub and lined with seed germinating fabric. I guess it varies depending on where you keep them. Ours were ready for harvesting in about a week..

These need to be watered gently but the perfect activity for anyone with children. Especially with half term coming up and they taste so much better than shop bought beanshoots.

They are surprisingly nutrient dense. They are packed with vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A several B vitamins, C, D, E & K aswell as Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Manganese.

Lastly with a glycemic index of 25 (GI) and a glycemic load of 4 (GL) per 28 grams or 1oz of beanshoots it is an ideal food choice for people living with blood disorders such as Reactive Hypoglycemia Prediabetes Gestational Diabetes and all types of Diabetes..❀️ ☘️

The Influences Of Heroes Living Or Departed – Meatloaf, David Bowie & Other Idols…

Hello lovelies on 21st January 2022 Heaven gained another angel in the irreplaceable form of a talented artist performer actor and a good human. Known as Meatloaf, born as Marvin Lee Aday, he later changed to his preference of Michael.

Everyone is influenced in a positive and or negative way. But it is how you deal with it and its consequences on yourself and others that’s important.

For me I have many heroes and influences in my life which has lead me to make some positive changes and learn from the poor decisions I made.

For me I never stop learning I’m certainly a student of life and learning, music and film has always been a source of comfort creativity knowledge and inspiration.

My parents and my siblings & family were my first influences along with David Bowie Marc Bolan Alice Cooper and the UK groups like Slade and others. I was a toddler or preschooler of the 1970s and music was what grabbed my attention as a hyperactive inquisitive curly haired child. My mother was a singer not professionally trained. But she had talent and sang at the request of her family and friends.

Mum always sang around the home music was and still is my background to life. We sadly don’t have any audio evidence of this but if I were to choose a singer she resembled it would be Connie Francis or Doris Day..

Coming from a English and Welsh Romani Gypsy family music creativity is in our culture. I was surrounded by creative people it is in our DNA. My family could play various instruments including the fiddle, piano accordion Castanets harmonica (we called a mouth organ) paper with a comb and even spoons.

But I digress, the influence Meat Loaf had on me is profound on multiple different levels. What I liked about Meatloaf was he always told a story even when he was standing on the stage.

Then came the MTV video era and videos like Dead Ringer, I Can Do Anything For Love.

But it was his resilience through adversity. His determination to succeed and the capacity to forgive his father. Who had one point tried to kill him with a knife after Meatloaf’s mother passing.

He continued on his path using the name Meatloaf. There seems to be several origins of how supposedly given due to his size as a baby.. Others mention it was due to a cruel comment by his sports coach. Regardless Michael Lee Aday took the name and made it his own. He owned the name Meatloaf ❀️

The Cleanliness Of Others Stereotypes Situations & Covid – A Discussion…

Hello lovelies I was listening to the radio today and the subject was about how you find a property you’re just moving in to. How clean this property was and things that people found. I wasn’t paying much attention to all of the stories but enough to make me think of my own experience of this..

The last time I moved into a flat I’d leased for 6 months. I wanted to be near the buses to commute to work and be near my parents. My mum had a major stroke she wasn’t expected to survive so she needed extra support.. Luckily she proved them wrong..

Two of my grown daughters came along to help me move in and clean up. Well let me just say this for those of you new to the page.

I’m a mix of Romani and Welsh Romani what society refer to as a Gypsy. Prt of our culture and upbringing is to keep a clean home.

So I’ve always prided myself for keeping for the most part a clean and tidy home. This flat was in abit of a state a rotten mattress had been dumped in the room.

There was a stained carpet ripped that was pulled up and dumped it seemed in the living room, as the same coloured was found in the bedroom.

The landlord apologised and said he’d collect that and the mattress so I dragged it down with one of the girls while the other was in the kitchen..

Until I heard a shout if eerrgh eeeewwww you dirty dirty minger.. I called out hesitantly if all was OK as she was in the kitchen cleaning the kitchen cupboard with a bleach mixture and antibacterial spray with plenty of clothes scourers.

She just said you won’t believe this Mum and repeated how disgusted she was..

There was my lovely daughter up to her arms in hot water and cleaning sprays and said look on top of the cupboard.. Written in not very large writing “Kaz was ere” well I suddenly found out what coloured hair Kaz had.

Also why my daughter was so disgusted there on top neatly displayed were curly red public hair. Immediately plucking a kitchen towel from my pocket disposed of it like you normally do with something nasty.

Suffice to say I couldn’t eat there although I never found any further nasty surprises like that. I certainly knew the irony because some of the false narratives about Romani Gypsies is that we’re dirty and unclean aswell as being cruel to animals.

Cleaning the home daily (that means washing sweeping scrubbing hoovering and steaming the floors and kitchen worktops the bathroom.

Damp dusting and polishing all other surfaces daily.. We wash our crockery clothes differently to non Romani people. We only allow certain people to drink/eat from certain crockery and not crockery we would use for ourselves. Our animals are cherished and we ensure that our homes are free from germs and dirt. This is part of our culture and upbringing we were raised to know how to take good care of yourself your home husband and your family. That means cleaning up is as natural as breathing to a Romani Gypsy. So take it from me it is not true.

As my dear mum used to say there’s good and bad is everyone no matter who and what you are. But it ws always stressed to us to keep a clean home and keep to the customs. Which I’m happy to as its not much different from cleaning a nursery setting for young children.

You have to ensure that everything is not just clean and tidy with floors hoovered and mopped. It’s making sure every toy is washed sanitised then left to dry. To ensure there’s no dangerous germs lurking as child tend to explore with their little eager mouths and hands. Just as I do when I clean my home just like my mum and her siblings did aswell.

I’m vegan and I stopped eating meat in my 20s because I like animals and didn’t want anyone to kill them on my behalf. Although I naively thought at the time that dairy was OK, as no animal was being harmed.. Before I moved out of this flat to move in with Mr Vegan, the landlord came and done his yearly check. You know to make sure I hadn’t knocked any walls down etc but I said I was moving out and I won’t be renewing the lease.

We arranged to meet at the flat to hand over the key and he would return my deposit. So as he knew about “pubegate” I made sure those cupboards in the kitchen aswell as everywhere else were cleaner than I found them.

I had this mantra when cleaning every room including the stairs and hall that it was going to look better than I found it. I’d painted the living room and painted the lovely wooden high fireplace mantel and shelves. As my flat was on the first floor of a converted house and my back was getting worse.

So these stairs weren’t help me at all. He was not only happy to see it was clean and tidy he said it looked better than before I moved in and gave me a month’s rent free on top of the deposit..

Lastly, I think the pandemic and covid is teaching people to avoid getting covid is to be cleaner in general.. β™₯️πŸ’ͺ🧚