Life & Other Hobbies Experiment Time With Basil Organically! 

Hello lovelies I bought a reduced priced pot of Basil yesterday, that was very healthy. It was next to its bag of equivalent but fresh stems from the Basil plant. As I said Mr Vegan and I usually grow our herbs like Basil from seeds this year being no exception. But it was the last one and as I said it was very healthy.

So I popped it into my mobility scooter and home we went. Upon inspection I could see it was indeed very healthy condition! It had also been recently watered so surprised it wasn’t bought earlier. It looks like it has been multiple seeded then these seeds  grew then potted up. So I plan on filming me splitting and repotting them up into their individual plants very soon. This is provided I don’t have another Reactive Hypoglycemia event like last night and/or flare of autoimmune symptoms…

As I’ve noticed lots of individual seedlings competing for space when I watered it this morning. I will also take some photos and write a blog or journal on their progress… The image are showing some Basil seeds aswell as some other herbs and companion plants partners. I have sewn some marigolds to encourage the good predators such as hoverflies. Planting Basil with tomatoes and marigolds will encourage good predators to control pests such as aphids greenfly and all the types of fly and bug that like to eat Basil too..

I don’t mind sharing but it’s nice to get some to eat aswell with said lovely tomatoes for instance made as part of a tasty and delicious homemade ragu made from organic homegrown ingredients.. ❤️

Cauliflower Biryani | Tesco Real Food

Hello my lovelies, curries could be a way to get your veggie in including your cruciferous veggies. Especially if you don’t like cauliflower it’s harder to detect amongst dishes like this.. I love Indian food and Indian herbs and spices but not keen on Cauliflower. I also enjoy using different blends of herbs and spices to enhance the flavour of the ingredients. I would certainly love to create my own blend of herbs & spices to pass down to my children as a family heirloom like a family recipe (I have a family recipe passed down from my mum) ..

I expect my ancestors would’ve been more familiar with using these herbs and spices. Before they came to England and Wales and remained here that is. As the Romani people’s are originally from India 🇮🇳 There are various theories as to why we left India. History tells us we were nomadic and like the African people were also taken as slaves and persecuted for the colour of our skins and who we were as a people. Our language is Romani or Roma this is a mix of Sanskrit Hindustani Punjabi Persian Spanish and some other languages.

We were mistaken when the Romani came to England and Wales for Egyptians. As our skin colour was similar to the Egyptian or Turkish Spanish Greek Persian peoples. (ironically over the years I’ve been mistaken for each of those nationalities! 😎😁😉☺️) In the 16th century this was never corrected we never spoke English. So I guess it was easier to let people think that they were Egyptians not Romani. As I expect the language was a barrier back then.

But it was dangerous to be a Gypsy in those times. It was the death penalty if you found to be a Gypsy. So we learned English rather quickly and only spoke Romani in the company of other Romani in a safe place. (whether one or both parents were Gypsies made no difference) so Egyptians was shortened to Gypsies. For some reason they left India landing in various countries in the quest to establish a country where they were safe and able to find work and raise their families. Sadly they passed through many countries before my families came to England and Wales. My family is a mix of (Welsh Kala Romani and English Romanichal {Romani for short}) on my mums side. Kala Romani English and Irish on my dad’s side. Both my parents enjoyed spicy and herbs ❤️

Hello my lovelies I’ve been somewhat unwell again recently. I’ve been getting the usual group of heart symptoms and breathing problems. The blood test reveals that my thyroid has entered into an overactive phase (Hyperthyroid)…the GP doesn’t know why it is happening but is trying to refer me to the endocrinologist again. I believe this is what is happening when I get these symptoms in between blood tests and consultations.

This has happened before & this can trigger Reactive Hypoglycaemic symptoms. As certain foods illness aswell as stress, can trigger Reactive Hypoglycaemic symptoms. Therefore, I have to be mindful to what I consume.. For me it is to follow a gluten free low saturated fat wholefood plantbased diet. I also ensure that I get a balanced varies of different coloured foods and that this food is as minimally processed as possible.

Study demonstrates significant improvement in pain from CBD

Hello lovelies I thought I’d share this link with you all. As you all know I am prescribed cannabis for pain. I have observed other benefits to my health needs and quality of life. As I live with preexisting health conditions and chronic pain in the form of neuropathic muscular and arthritic pain I find CBD beneficial aswell as THC and vaping at different temperature enables you to access other cannabinoids such as CBN (which has sedating properties) and flavinoids CBG aswell as terpenes. ❤️|the 4444~eguidance-for-medical-cannabis-users/

Medical Cannabis Awareness Week 2022…

As part of Medical Cannabis Awareness Week 2022 I thought I’d put a reel together to highlight Cannabis and the benefits it has on different medical conditions.. I have added a couple of books for recommended reading. I also watched on zoom on my laptop the UK Patient Conference and the book Kev bought while he was attending with some friends from the cannabis community and supporting others.. 🥰

#mcaw #mcaw2022 #CannabisBasedMedicine #cannabisismymedicine #medicationeducation #cannabis #UnitedPatientsAlliance #CANCARDUK #Cancard #osteoarthritis #veganforlife #autoimmune #cannabiseducation

Watch “Amazing Way to Use NETTLES to Improve Seedling Success” on YouTube

Hello lovelies this was an interesting video about using plants to feed your other plants be it food or ornamental plants flowers and foliage. They seem to have therapeutic benefits and help the produce you’re growing according to the guest Nigel Palmer and author of a book he wrote about regenerative and restorative gardening.

It seems relatively easy to make and something that Mr Vegan and I are going to try once we find our metal funnel and gather some plant material. Sadly we composted the last of our nettles during the last clean of the garden recently.

But as our ground and soil is fairly fertile it won’t take long for them to return as they’re prolific to the local gardens.. Enjoy.. 🥰 let me know if you happen to try it ❤️

Fodmaps Part Dui – 2..

Hey my lovelies I wrote a introduction on FODMAPs on April 9th blog post. In the main, I was discussing what FODMAPs were and how they can help IBS… Also briefly mentioned was foods under the criteria of Nightshade foods. This is going to be a standalone subject piece coming soon. Also mentioned were how FODMAPs were developed by the MONASH University in order to help people with gastrointestinal health issues.

But to get into today’s topic of Fodmaps. Based in Australia, Monash University has a website with resources on the fodmap diet including an app (widely available online to purchase on different operating systems) some people may find useful. Each food and drink are assigned a different classification 3 3 or rating as to how this item reacts to theð individuals then rated accordingly. The ratings are designated as low medium and high FODMAP foods.

Monash devised a system, a classification of every food and drink available worldwide. Assigning each item with an individual fodmap rating, which according to Google’s Play Store has been downloaded by over 100K of people. Myself included..

Fodmap foods utilise the traffic light system like the ones you see on food packages for nutritional labelling. With the fodmap diet they have classified each food item/beverage with either a Green Amber and Red traffic light system accordingly. There is a fourth category.. These foods are listed as a green food on the app with a difference. As when tested these items reveal a trace or no fodmaps were found. Examples on the list include foods such as CARROTS PARSNIPS where fodmaps wasn’t detected. Monash says they can be consumed freely.

However this being said, some people may find th&dďat despite the fact they are free to consume according to your appetite. You still may have a food sensitivity. So if you live with IBS due to an autoimmune condition such as Crohns Disease Hypothyroidism Diabetic or not diabetic and have Reactive Hypoglycemia like me, then please consult your specialist/dietitian before changing your diet.

But according to the Monash app, foods that are derived from animals such as chicken lamb veal poussin suckling pigs kangaroo and cow meat are high in protein so contains no carbohydrates. Fat derived from animals are also fodmap (carbohydrate) free due to the high fat content) Monash also say that excess fat may affect gut motility this may aggravate IBS symptoms.

However, I do not advocate the consumption animal derived foods and drinks. Due to the many sources of science based evidence of long-term problems and chronic diseases availabe. In addition to this the unnecessary killing of animals isn’t necessary to human health. Humans can thrive and survive on a plant based diet without any adverse effects due to vitamin & mineral deficiencies.

When you do begin start with introducing/removing one food at a time. Make a note of how that food has made you feel after consumption.. If you use a glucometer make a note of your blood glucose levels aswell as any positive or negative impact (symptoms). This helps to establish a pattern as to which food is an issue…🥰

This nutritional traffic light system works the same way as the labels used in the UK/Australia/USA and elsewhere this system is used. For instance, Green is for good to eat everyday (However it is important to note that some people depending on the individual are only able to tolerate particular foods weighing a set amount before IBS symptoms may occur). Amber represents eating some foods from this section in moderation. Lastly, red is high in fodmaps and to avid foods from this section if sensitive. They’re similar to what comes on most of the UKs packaging and indeed nowadays globally.

For example Cherry Tomatoes are a green light food depending on how many you have. If you consume more than 3 at 45 grams it takes the tomatoes into the Amber section. 4 Tomatoes equals 60 grams and Monash University revealed that more than 5 Cherry Tomatoes at 75 grams is a Red fodmap rating and higher in the Fodmap Fructose which some people may not absorb well.

However since Mr Herb’n Grower is sensitive to nightshade foods despite their green status he cannot consume them presently as they have a negative effect. However you may notice in the app canned Plum/Roma Tomatoes Monash test differently. Saying 100 grams of Tomatoes are rated low fodmap and a Green light food.

Mr Herb’n Grower aka my Mr Vegan follows Monash’s FODMAP diet to help with severe IBS/Severe Diverticular disease. He has several food sensitivities which cause IBS and when severe causes severe bouts of diverticulitis. I have IBS aswell due to auto immune food intolerances sensitivities. Please remember that everyone is different and the foods I’m able to consume other people may find problematic.

It got me to thinking as I’d read that certain foods can be classed as low fodmap. This inspired me to write this particular blog. But if you have over a certain amount that food becomes a higher fodmap. (turning an Amber into RED traffic light) I’ve seen others sources such as Monash refer to this as ‘fodmap stacking’.

The little humble Courgette/Zucchini to my international friends and visitors is a good example of this. Monash recommends that the Courgette is safe to consume at 65 grams and below is has a low green light rating.

However if you eat over 85 grams or even 75 grams the Courgette can then become a higher rating from Amber to Red at 75 grams courgettes contain moderate amounts of Oligo – Fructans. This can exacerbates IBS symptoms if you’re sensitive to this particular fodmap.

According to the NICE guidelines If a person’s IBS symptoms persist while following general lifestyle and dietary advice, offer advice on further dietary management. Such advice should; Include single food avoidance and exclusion diets (for example, a low FODMAP [fermentable oligosaccharides and polyols] diet). only be given by a healthcare professional with expertise in dietary management. [new 2015]”.

Before trying any new diet, especially if you have any preexisting conditions and are experiencing the symptoms of conditions such as IBS. You should make a visit to your Primary Care Doctor or/and a dietitian/nutritionist. Unless you live in the UK, you can make an appointment to see your GP. They should then refer you to a dietitian or/and a specialist such as a Gastroenterologist or Endocrinologist depending on your symptoms and the outcome. Or ask your doctor to be referred if you feel IBS is a cause. Or IF a diagnosis of IBS has been made by your doctor and you’re still having problems ❤️

Greenhouse Capers.. Welcome To Our Greenhouse…

Hello lovelies I thought I’d share this with you lovely people I had missed a few of the foods seen here in the video. It didn’t help I’d been having RH symptoms which affects my heart rhythm and my breathing is also affected by this making things difficult to breathe including other symptoms affecting the autoimmune system.

Anyhoo It’s been a lovely mild and dry day today and I’ve been well enough to spend a short period of time in the garden and the greenhouse. As Mr Vegan has been busy working hard preparing and sewing the first seeds of this season’s foods. I mentioned foods such as Carrots Sweetcorn Parsnips Butternut Squash Pumpkin are also included in the pots under the covers of germination lids. We are again growing 2 types of spinach and lettuces. Tomatoes and other salad vegetables such as spring onions.

We’re also including fresh herbs grown from seed inside the greenhouse and I like to plant herbs such as Rosemary and garlic with Thyme in with the ornamental plants aswell as the greenhouse. This year we’re growing some new aswell as our staple herbs we use in our foods inside the greenhouse..

We’re growing Sage Parsley Basil Thyme is from new seeds and regrowth from last year’s Thyme plant in the greenhouse. Majoram Chives are sown .. I hope to add in the future some sweet potatoes and red onions and potatoes aswell as garlic to use to infuse olive oil. Garlic infused olive oil is also low fodmap providing you can eat garlic without any symptoms by consuming garlic directly garlic infused oil is an alternative.. Enjoy ❤️

Hello lovelies Mr Vegan hasn’t sewn any bell peppers as yet but hope to add some seeds soon. As its a food I’d like to reintroduce. As I have Reactive Hypoglycemia I’d like to ascertain if I’m sensitive to peppers. Or if it is the overload of healthy carbohydrates that initially triggers a reaction…
These are the different types of food that we are growing this season weather and time permits.. For people with visual impairments we have sewn (starting from the top row of three seed packets) Chives, Dill, Carrots, Beetroots, Sweetcorn, two types of Lettuces, Parsnips spring onions, Tomatoes and Pumpkin. The Butternut Squash seeds aren’t pictured here..
A variety of different herbs we use in our cooking and food options. Fortunately herbs are categorised as low fodmap. Shown here again are from the top row Chives Coriander or known as Cilantro Lemon Balm, Sage and Dill aswell as Basil, Parsley and Oregano

Watch “What To Eat When You’re Constipated | Dr. Will Bulsiewicz Live Q&A” on YouTube

Hello lovelies this is another video from from the Exam Room Live with Chuck and Dr Will Bulsiewicz or Dr B from the Physicians Committee.

While the Physicians Committee are based in America the information they impart is relevant to everyone wherever you may reside.

https://youtu.bvhe Ulm mn/ZwvbPYz82AE

Vegan & Gluten Free Plantbased Information..

Hello my lovelies I’ve been searching for information on nutrition. In particular gluten free plant based information in order to help you maintain a balanced healthy diet. I found the ultimate vegan gluten free shopping list.

It features a variety of foods from the major food groups including protein foods such as beans nuts and seeds grains all fruit and vegetables

As you can see the list continues with Flours Iron Foods Grains and Sauces. Please consider this list carefully if you have any preexisting health problems. This list may include night shade foods for people who may have sensitivities. Examples of nightshades are White and Red Potatoes, Aubergines (aka the Eggplant) Tomatoes most varieties of red coloured spices such as Chilli Curry and Paprika. Other peppers such as Bell and Cayenne aswell as Strawberries are also nightshade foods. So avoid these foods if you know you’re sensitive to nightshades.

You may also want to consider alternatives to foods that are high in fodmaps. These particular kinds of food ferment in the large and small intestines. Foods containing high amounts of Fodmaps can cause IBS symptoms for sensitive people. Foods that are known to cause problems include foods from the onion family such as garlic leeks spring onions (the white bulbs only-the green stem is lower in fodmaps) shallots most mushrooms apart from Oyster mushrooms are low fodmap.

Thanks to the Conscious Kitchen for creating this infographic ❤️

Watch “Hemp Seed Oil and Its Beneficial Omega-3 Fatty Acids” on YouTube

Good morning my lovelies it’s a sunny windy and gusty morning in our part of South East London England..

For anyone wanting to know the basis of the glorious hemp seed and the surprisingly amount of uses it has from nutritional health to hempcrete type material better than concrete and ropes for shops to clothing and fuel for vehicles!

It isn’t one of those long educational videos I think it’s approximately 15 to 20 minutes long. Certainly no longer than 30 minutes.. Regardless get comfy and warm and enjoy the rest of the week.. Blood test for me ❤️

Cannabis & Mental Health

Cannabis and mental health is a emotive issue for several reasons to be discussed here.

Thanks to the damage caused by Harry J Anslingers war on cannabis then as history shows as a direct result of Anslinger’s propaganda machine. Of “Reefer Madness” posters, newsmedia of The War On Drugs. The seed of doubt was sown about cannabis and psychosis and that it causes Schizophrenia in anyone that used it.

Then it went from being a medicine for more than a millennium. To being seen as something as harmful to mental and physical health. To anyone who has read about Harry J Anslinger the racist cannotations pertaining to his dislike of people of ethnicity and in particular people of Carribean American African American and Mexican people. This is where the racist slang Marijuana (Mary Jane) came from.

After this it was classed as a dangerous drug then banned in the UK from 1971 with the Misuse Of Drugs Act.. Although there is some evidence that it can effect a very small minority of the population.

There is various scientific evidence that shows cannabis to be efficacious in anxiety PTSD and other mental health issues. There is also a post I wrote a few months ago which I’ll attach here.

There is various scientific information available in the above link regarding Dr Mike Barnes et al that cannabis and the published report pertaining to studies and how cannabis helps people living with many different conditions.

It is used as an alternative medicine for people with cancer. It also helps conditions such as chronic pain including Neuropathy/Neuropathic pain Multiple Sclerosis Epilepsy ADD ADHD and other psychological and neurological conditions ❤️

Please note I will add link to science based evidence as I find them… 🥰 🍀

Plant Based Vegan Homemade Shepherd’s Or Gardener’s/Cottage Pie

Hello there my lovelies it’s Mr Vegans birthday so I made him a homemade lentil with mixed vegetables soup with some herbs and black pepper.

So I decided to make myself a vegan version of a Shepherd’s pie. Traditionally made with minced beef or lamb.. Cottage pies used to have just minced beef in gravy.

As I have eliminated white potatoes from my diet to see if they are a trigger im using sweet potatoes mixed with a whole parsnip and a couple of carrots with no plant butter just black pepper and the vegetables themselves..

Anyhow I chopped what ever vegetables I found in the larder and fridge. Carrots Butternut Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Sweetcorn Peas Spinach Lentils spring onion parsnips and anything else you wish to use.

I usually cook the main protein part of the meal in a simmering lidded saucepan for an hour until everything is soft and the herbs etc is marinaded well with the herbs and the free from gluten gravy.

While this is simmering nicely on the hob I began cooking the root vegetables for the mashed topping.

I like to keep on hand a tub of vegan gravy granules to thicken up the lentils and mixed fresh veggy. This way when you put the mashed potatoes on top they won’t sink into the gravy.

In the UK we supermarket brands who also produce food products free from gluten milk eggs and wheat. So depending on the supermarket labelling most are likely plant based and vegan rather than vegetarian with other animal ingredients.. But they usually labelled the food products free from.. I use Tesco and Asda’s (Walmart) free from beef gravy are vegan.

Then it was browned off in the oven for around 20 to 30 minutes at Gas Mark 7 or 220°C (or 200°C if you use an fan assisted oven) to give the top of the mash a crunchy texture. ❤️

Fresh sweet potatoes carrots and parsnips chopped or diced into equal sized chunks makes for even cooking.
Mixed fruit ready for a low GI (Glycemic Index) no added sugar fruit salad..

This recipe is enough for roughly two people depending on the size of your appetite and your plate! 😎 🥰❤️🍀

Ingredients for Vegan Shepherd’s Or Gardener’s Pie..

I used 80g (grams) Sweet Potatoes, 20g Sweetcorn, 15g of Garden Peas, 80g Spinach, 20g of Lentils, half of a Spring Onion equalled to about 20 grams. 120g Parsnips, 120g or 2 medium to large Carrots, 30g Butternut Squash, 20g Swede/Rutabaga and 5 to 6 ½ cups of water. Asda Free From Beef Gravy add enough to your liking.

You can use freshly cut or dried herbs but I find that I need to add more when using fresh herbs from our garden. But when I use dried herbs such as Thyme Rosemary Coriander/Cilantro Oregano Majoram Asafoetida or known as Hing in Indian cuisine and a good alternative to the onion family I usually add ½ teaspoon (tsp) to begin then I will add more added to taste.

I quite like to keep a few bottles of dried herbs as a back up when the garden herbs have finished for the season. I also like to have separate herbs as well as a pot of mixed herbs to experiment with flavours with different dishes. Supermarkets produce their own dried herbs if you’re unable to grow your own..

These could be in a generic glass container with mixed herbs such as Chives, Sage, Thyme, Rosemary, Coriander/Cilantro or and Oregano. Or in the UK you can get a collection of mixed herbs called Bouquet Garni and Herbes De Province.. This depends on the brand and the supermarkets..

Lastly not forgetting our number one staple for Mr Vegan and I is Black Peppercorns. Black Pepper is usually sold either whole to grind to the coarseness you prefer. Or pre-ground Black Pepper shaker if you don’t have a pepper pot. Black Pepper is known for its medicinal anti inflammatory properties. ❤️